About the author

TQ portrait Oct 09Anthony M. Quattrone

I am an American living in Naples, Italy.  I write for several Italian papers/web sites on topics relating to international, American, and local Italian politics.

I am originally from New York City, and my family resides in New Jersey and Washington, D.C.

I hold a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden Univerity, a Master of Education degree from Boston University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Maryland.  During my professional career, I have held positions as guidance counselor, education specialist, instructor, and educational program director. I currently work as head of human resources for a major international organization, and I am the chairman of the board of directors of the International School of Naples.

It is possible to read my articles regarding American politics, in Italian, at my web site www.politicamericana.com

10 responses to “About the author

  1. Our mutual friend, Jeff Matthews, sent me the link to your blog. Delighted to see your work, and I look forward to checking it often.

    I translate for a Naples speleological site, napoliunderground.org and have had a 50 year love affair with Napoli. I am a retired print and broadcast journalist. Personal web site with a section on the sottosuolo di Napoli is at http://www.larryray.com and my blog is in the ‘website’ entry above.

    Again, I am delighted to know about your site and look forward to your articles. You will provide a political insight not found on ANSA or the il Mattino!

    Tante belle cose,

    Larry Ray

  2. Jesse Corn


    Congratulations on this new site. I know I will refer to it often.

    I just moved back to my home state of Georgia after several years in Italy, two years in Naples. My wife was on the basketball team in Vomero that won the national title in 2007.

    I have written articles for several of the larger newspapers in the Southeast and I am working on a longer magazine piece right now on Saviano. I have tried to contact him through his site, more than a week ago, but I have received no response. Do you know any way that I can reach him for an interview?

    Since we left Naples in 2008, we have thought of little else but how to get back there!


    Jesse Corn

  3. patti

    Thanks for this site. I am working on a documentary about the worlds great cities and their garbage for History TV Canada, and I stumbled upon Jeff Matthews and he sent me your link, which, after reading your articles on Naples garbage and the Camorra have been very insightful. Can we talk?
    We’ll be coming to Naples in the fall and would like to explore your involvement as an on camera spokesperson.
    Patti Murphy

    • Anthony M. Quattrone, Ph.D.

      Hi Patti — I am more than happy to help out! I’ll send you an email with contact information. All the best! Tony

  4. Hi, Tony:

    I’m one of the hosts of an Italy podcast, and we’re wondering if you’d be interested in appearing as a guest to discuss the politics/murky details behind the ongoing “trash crisis” in Naples? The podcast is Eye on Italy (eyeonitaly.com/podcast), and you can email me directly to chat further – jessica (at) bootsnall (dot) com




    The Organizing Committee has met and exceeded the quorum of 10,000 signatures required by the Statute of Campania Region. A true record of subscriptions nationwide!

    Today, Friday, 1 July 2011, 13.535 signatures of citizens supporting the Regional Bill on the Culture and the Dissemination of Solar Energy in Campania were delivered to the Secretary General of the Regional Council of Campania. This is a matter of great importance no only for the environment, but also for culture, democracy and a new quality of society, of production and work.
    Our regional bill has reached the highest number of subscribers in the entire history of the Campania region! It also proceeds in logical continuity with the rejection of nuclear power, as a result of the victory in last May Referendum.

    Simple citizens and housewives, ecologists, educators and students, university professors and researchers, district mayors and municipal councillors, artists and writers, unions, committees and political groups, associations (such as ARCI, Federconsumatori, Legambiente, Verdi Ambiente e Società…), ecopacifists and representatives of the catholic world were the protagonists of the spread of the Culture of the Sun Civilization. Over 13,585 signatures have been collected, in fact, in nearly fifty cities of Campania .

    Our Organizing Committee will now become transformed into the ” the Constituent Assembly for the Sun Civilization in Campania”. We announce, therefore, a future public meeting, open to all, to be held next Wednesday, July 6, at 17.00 – in the ‘Hall of Peace”, at the Second Municipality of Naples, 93 Piazza Dante.

    The Organizing Committee of the Regional Bill on Culture
    and Dissemination of Solar Energy in Campania
    (Visit our Facebook group: “Una legge…alla luce del sole”
    http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194304043920746 )


    The Organizing Committee has met and exceeded the quorum of 10,000 signatures required by the Statute of Campania Region. A true record of subscriptions nationwide!
    Today, Friday, 1 July 2011, 13.535 signatures of citizens supporting the Regional Bill on the Culture and the Dissemination of Solar Energy in Campania were delivered to the Secretary General of the Regional Council of Campania. This is a matter of great importance no only for the environment, but also for culture, democracy and a new quality of society, of production and work.
    Our regional bill has reached the highest number of subscribers in the entire history of the Campania region! It also proceeds in logical continuity with the rejection of nuclear power, as a result of the victory in last May Referendum.
    Simple citizens and housewives, ecologists, educators and students, university professors and researchers, district mayors and municipal councillors, artists and writers, unions, committees and political groups, associations (such as ARCI, Federconsumatori, Legambiente, Verdi Ambiente e Società…), ecopacifists and representatives of the catholic world were the protagonists of the spread of the Culture of the Sun Civilization. Over 13,585 signatures have been collected, in fact, in nearly fifty cities of Campania .
    Our Organizing Committee will now become transformed into the ” the Constituent Assembly for the Sun Civilization in Campania”. We announce, therefore, a future public meeting, open to all, to be held next Wednesday, July 6, at 17.00 – in the ‘Hall of Peace”, at the Second Municipality of Naples, 93 Piazza Dante.
    The Organizing Committee of the Regional Bill on Culture
    and Dissemination of Solar Energy in Campania
    (Visit our Facebook group: “Una legge…alla luce del sole”
    http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194304043920746 )

  7. I found Naples to be noticeably safer during our visit this month. I have a long connection with this special place and I was happy to see the change.

  8. Pingback: America’s Cup 11-15 aprile.E da Napoli..che notizie..? « +L'Usignolo+Veritatem invenire cum gaudio+

  9. Debra

    Great blog! Long time since Ihave been in Naples, but wonderful memories of working at the Ed. Center and going out to the ships.
    Debra Seacrist M. Ed., M. A., LPC

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